Senin, 02 September 2013

Guests Native came for Students of ELDAF

At last Monday, Students of English Literature Department wait native speakers. On arrival two Guests native, their names are Nina and Ellen. They spoke about American. Nina and Ellen asked all of the students where they from are and many of the students guess that Nina is Indian and Ellen is African. However, students answer are wrong, they are 100% American.
Nina said that she has Indian face. Actually, her mother is native Indian. Her mother moved to America after she had got married. Nina is 100% American. Her religion is Hindu like the one of majority people in India is Hinduism. Then, Ellen is African American. She said that her hairstyle is dreadlocks like Bob Marley and her skin is black like mostly American. Many people judge that she is African. However, she is not African but 100% American. Ellen is Christian. Ellen and Nina are from United States.
Nina and Ellen said that many people in American or in all people in the world judge someone who has a black skin is a lower. Just because people who have a white skin assume that, they are smart, and more. Many people ridicule on Ellen that she is Bob Marley because her hairstyle like Bob Marley. However, right now Barrack Obama can proof that people who have a black skin is not lower than the others, he can became a President of the United States. He is first African American to hold the office.
Nina said, “if you in United States do not laugh when you see people like Ellen, better if you ask why she like her hairstyle like that. I think, she will answer happily. Like the mostly Muslim wearing veil or hijab”. So, do not judge people from their visual. No one knows that people has over plus. Do not judge people from their religion also. Every people have self-ability.

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