Kamis, 05 September 2013


            I’ll explanation about madiun city and the unique thing. Madiun is a city where the located at east java, Indonesia. The located exactly at 169 kilo meters west from Surabaya or 114 kilo meters east from Surakarta. Madiun is fresh and beautiful city. Special and traditional food is pecel and brem. Brem is a snack which made from fermentation of cassava and the taste is sour and sweet, the colour from brem is yellow. Different from brem, Pecel is made from some vegetables such as green beans, kale and peanut sous.
            Madiun has the mayor and his name is H. Bambang Irianto, SH.MM. The peoples usually Call madiun the city of girl. Madiun has a factory of sugar in the rejomulyo village and the industrial center of the railway (INKA) and the other has the airfield which is known to have one of the main air force base. In the downtown is still a lot of rice fields and plants that make this city are fresh. Madiun is near from sarangan waterfall and also near from lawu mountain which the distance estimate 30 kilo meters from purboyo busway.

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